About the Project
Tanzania and Malawian authorities highlight the importance of strengthening the capacity and quality of nurse and midwifery education. Research shows that there is a deficit related to clinical competencies and provision of evidence-based care among nurses and midwives in sub-Saharan Africa and call for increased focus on the quality of pre-service education to support the quality of the workforce.
Simulation-based education is a pedagogic approach to learning that addresses the mentioned requirements and is proven useful, beneficial, and effective to improve students’ clinical learning. To address gaps in pre-service education programmes, capacity building in simulation-based education in the project’s universities and associated clinical field is a key component in the project.
This project is implemented at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Tanzania, and Kamuzu College of Nursing, Malawi. The University of Stavanger is the partner institution in the north and provides professional academic competencies in teaching and implementation of simulation-based education.
The overall aim of the project is to implement simulation-based education to strengthen capacity in nursing and midwifery education for postgraduates and undergraduate students in Tanzania and Malawi.
The project runs for 5 years and is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NORAD)