
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) is situated in Moshi Municipality at the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, United Republic of Tanzania. This Welcome Guide provides you with essential information about the conference including; Conference overview, Conference dates and location, registration fee and what it covers, travel arrangements, information on hotels in Moshi, healthcare facilities available in the region, abstracts submission guidelines, and information on keynote speakers.

Conference Overview

The conference will bring on board local and internationally renowned experts in medicine and human health as keynote speakers. Participants will be able to explore cutting-edge research, breakthroughs and advancements in Emergency Medicine in particular Trauma and Injuries, NCDs, Climate Change and Health, and Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health.

This conference will be an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with leading scientists in the field of NCDs, emergency medicine and traumatology; and it is expected to contribute to the understanding of the complexities of the changing disease patterns. Don’t miss this pivotal event in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

Main Theme


The conference will cover wide spectrum of non-communicable diseases as emerging epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa including challenges and strategies related to emergency medicine, particularly injuries and trauma. It will also explore the epidemiological shifts in injury patterns which include road traffic accidents, falls and violence related injuries; the role of lifestyle changes among other factors in driving the emergency of NCDs in sub-Saharan Africa, prevention strategies and the integration of NCD management into primary healthcare systems, addressing the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. The impact of climate change on health in sub-Saharan Africa will also be discussed. Discussions will encompass the effects of extreme weather events on disease transmission such as waterborne and vector-borne diseases, food security, and the role of public health interventions in mitigating climate-related health risks.


The conference will take place at NSSF Complex Conference Hall in Moshi Municipality only about 30kms from the Kilimanjaro International Airport and 1km from Moshi Bus Station. The building offers a comfortable location for the conference with a spectacular view of Kilimanjaro Mountain on the eastern side of the building.

Airport Pick-up

Taxis are available throughout the day at the airport to shuttle passengers at an estimated cost of $30 to Moshi City Centre. Also, airline shuttles are available on a much cheaper rate of only TZS 10,000 but mostly these shuttles operate depending on flight schedules for Air Tanzania & Precision Air. Some Hotels also arrange for airport pick-up for travelers booked in their hotels.

Registration fees and what it covers

Please open the registration form to see various fees categories available at

  • International Participants = $100
  • Students East Africa Community = TZS 50000
  • Tanzania Non-student = TZS 100,000

The registration fee will enable participants to enjoy the following services:

  • Morning and evening refreshments
  • Lunch
  • Conference dinner
  • Note Book and Pen
  • Sweets/Candies
  • Drinking Water
  • Free Wi-Fi

Note: Participants will have to cover their own expenses for travel and accommodation.

Bank Details for Payment

Local (TZS) Account:

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College

Account No: 017101001339

NBC Moshi Branch.

Forex Account (Dollar account):

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical  College

Account No: 017105000676


NBC Moshi Branch.

P.O.Box 3030 Moshi, Tanzania

Moshi is 888 m above sea level and located at 3.35° S 37.33° E. Despite its proximity to the equator, weather in Moshi is influenced by tropical wet and dry climate. All average monthly temperature is greater than 18°C.  The average maximum daytime temperature around October fluctuates between 16°C.   and 29°C and the amount of rain is high with an average 110 mm. Therefore, visitors should plan on bringing a waterproof jacket or an umbrella since there is some possibility of rain, light clothes as it can be very warm or even hot. You can easily buy an umbrella in Moshi.

Several health facilities are available in Moshi including:

  • Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (A Zonal Referral & Super Specialized Hospital)
  • Mawenzi Regional Referral Hospital
  • ST. Joseph Designated District Hospital
  • ST. Elmo Hospital
  • Jaffari Medical Centre

Most of these hospitals accept Medical Insurance Cards.

The organizing committee of the KCMUCo International Scientific Conference invites submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations. When preparing an abstract for submission, please carefully follow the instructions below:-

  • All abstracts must be in English.
  • The title, authors, and authors’ affiliations should be entered in upper-case and lower-case letters ( e.g Correct Format: Abstract Title, Incorrect format: ABSTRACT TITLE);
  • The character limit for the abstract is 400 maximum, this does not include the title, authors’ information, or affiliation. There are no minimum length requirements;
  • Submit your abstract as one paragraph. Embed headings such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, etc. within your abstract;
  • The format for submission should be Microsoft Word and the font is Arial 11.5;
  • Do not include tables, figures, acknowledgement, funding sources, references, or other supplementary information;
  • Standard abbreviations may be used for common terms only. Otherwise, any abbreviation should be in brackets after the first full use of the word. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract;
  • All abstracts will go through a peer-review process carried out by a review panel which will communicate only to successful applicants;
  • The review panel reserves the right to reject any abstract considered not to meet the conference criteria;
  • Deadline for submission: 30th July 2024;
  • Abstracts should be submitted only through this Email address:
  • KCMUCo intends to publish the accepted abstracts in a conference programme booklet as a journal supplement and references will be made to the source of the abstract;
  • Declaration of an agreement to the publication’s terms and conditions will be requested at the time of acceptance of your abstracts.