To enhance the capacity of FHCW and managers to manage and cope with pandemics (taking COVID-19 as an example), in Tanzania mainland, Zanzibar, and Ethiopia (SCCOPET)
Project Duration: (2022-2025).
Funder: DANIDA

About the Project
To investigate malaria and arboviral-vector distribution, abundance, and disease transmission across different socio-ecological strata and geospatial settings of Unguja and Tanga, Tanzania.
- To train staff on SARS-COV-2 serology and whole genome sequencing and conduct a pilot serological and SARS-COV-2 variant survey in mainland Tanzania, Zanzibar, and Ethiopia
- To identify gaps in the vaccine supply chain and logistics and assess the knock-on effects of COVID-19 on routine childhood immunization at selected health facilities in Tanzania mainland, Zanzibar, and Ethiopia
- To assess the level and experience of COVID-19 stress management and coping skills of FHCW and healthcare managers at JU, KCMUCo, and SUZA