Balthazar nyombi – project PI
The SeroSelectTB project (RIA 2018D-2493) has received generous support from the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP).

Franklin Mosha – project PI
The Pan African Malaria Vector Research Consortium (PAMVERC) was founded in 2008 as a consortium of three African Based insecticide and vector control testing sites..

Alfred Kien Mteta – project PI
In the first cycle, MEPI focused primarily on undergraduate medical education with great success, linking multiple schools of medicine across…

SABIOT Project
Deborah Kajeguka – Project PI
The SABIOT project is part of the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 2 (EDCTP2) supported by the European Union – TMA201PF-2694-SABIOT

Emergency Medicine Postgraduate
Prof. Alfred Kien Mteta – PI
Emergency Medicine Postgraduate training in Tanzania is currently being offered exclusively at Muhimbili University since 2009.

Transforming Parkinson's Care in Africa
Prof. Declare Mushi- PI
Transforming Parkinson’s Care in Africa (TraPCAf) is a multi-faceted, mixed-methods, multi-national research grant spanning seven work packages.

Dr. Jane Rogathi – PI
The project aiming in improving teaching to undergraduate nursing students on respectful and compassionate care to enhance ethics and customer care during provision of health care services….

Dr. Jane Rogathi – PI
InfPrev4frica project aims to capacitate Nursing HEIs from SSA, to facilitate the development of nursing student’s competences in healthcare-associated infections prevention and control in response..

Prof. Reginald Kavishe – PI
To investigate malaria and arboviral-vector distribution, abundance, and disease transmission across different socio-ecological strata and geospatial settings of Unguja and Tanga, Tanzania.

Sarah Mkenda – PI
The project aims to contribute towards increased capacity of higher education to support and scale digital transformation in Eastern Africa with the aim to ensure rehabilitation services for all.

Prof. Reginald Kavishe – PI
To investigate malaria and arboviral-vector distribution, abundance, and disease transmission across different socio-ecological strata and geospatial settings of Unguja and Tanga, Tanzania.

Dr. Debora Kajeguka – PI
This study focuses on zoonotic arboviruses, aiming to establish baseline prevalence in humans and domestic animals. A cross-sectional design will be employed, utilizing ELISA and PCR.

Dr. Godfrey Temba – PI
To examine and compare the immuno-metabolic and gut microbiome profiles between individuals with overweight/obesity and those with normal weight in a transitioning community in Tanzania, and to analyze the impact